Queridos colegas,
No esperaba tener que escribirles tan pronto… Tres ataques en tres meses, en un mismo país es más de lo que cualquiera pudo imaginar. Esta vez fue cerca, muy cerca de nuestra oficina en Gracechurch Street.
Afortunadamente todos nuestros colegas y asociados de Londres están a salvo luego del terrible atentado terrorista del sábado a la noche. Nuestras plegarias y pensamientos acompañan a las víctimas y sus familiares.
Estos horribles ataques sin sentido a víctimas inocentes y su frecuencia, son profundamente preocupantes. Hago eco de quienes sostienen que no podemos dejar que el terror nos venza. Podemos perseverar y perseveraremos ante estos actos malvados y cobardes.
Una de las cosas que todos debemos hacer, sin importar en qué parte del mundo estemos, es tener un plan para contactar a nuestros familiares, amigos y conocidos en caso de emergencia (incluso, tener otro soporte aparte de la agenda del celular, en caso de que no podamos emplearlo).
Por favor cuídense y sigan marcando la diferencia de la mejor manera posible: Ayudando a construir mejores carreras, mejores negocios y mejores comunidades.
Cuídense. Paz,
Peter E. Alcide – Presidente
Dear Colleagues,
I didn’t think I would be writing to you again so soon……..three attacks in three months in one country is more than one can imagine. This time the attack was close to home. It was very close to our Gracechurch Street office.
Happily I can report all of our London colleagues are safe after the terrible terror attack there on Saturday night and we have contacted all of our associates and believe all of them to be safe as well. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.
These are senseless and horrific attacks on innocent people. I know I am not alone when I say that these horrific terror attacks and their increasing frequency are deeply concerning. At the same time, I will echo what others have said, we can’t let terror win. We can and will persevere in the face of these evil, cowardly acts.
One of the things all of us can do is make sure, wherever we are in the world, that we have a plan for getting in touch with family, friends and loved ones in the event of an emergency – including making sure we have contact numbers somewhere besides our mobile phones – in case we are unable to access or use them.
Be safe everyone as you continue to do the good work you are doing to make a difference the best way we can – helping to build to better careers, better businesses and better communities.
Peace and be safe.
Peter E. Alcide – President
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